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Robust reliable product development with fast time-to-market delivery:

  • cash transaction enabled solutions

  • kiosk self-service solutions


CashWorld Automation builds smarter products with a "business first" mindset that delivers core functionality and powerful agility that adapts to end-user requirements. The result is a product that achieves a wide range of usage deployment scenarios, delivers optimized features and custom user experiences, and creates a competitive advantage for your business.

Strategy & Consulting

Let CashWorld Automation's experts guide your solution architecture and help selecting the right technology components for your cash transaction enabled project.

Rapid Prototyping Services

CashWorld Automation’s extensive expertise in cash automation systems enables us to offer a rapid prototype development/system integration services that shortens product development life cycle substantially. Based on your operational requirements we develop a working prototype with enhancements that you’ve always envisioned, exactly as you want them. This allows you to visualize your solution at the early stage of the development cycle which will help in optimizing the business requirements for the solution.

Software/Hardware Integration Services

Provide integration services for a wide range of industries to design and develop custom solutions, tailor partner solutions for your specific business needs and manage your technology investments.

Engineering Services to customize Kiosk solution

Out-of-the-box integrated base Kiosk solution (hardware and software) is customized based on customer requirements. Fixed cost known ahead of a project engagement

Provide comprehensive testing, compliance and quality assurance services backed by proven SQA processes, industry and domain experience.

Testing & Validation 

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